Our team is always ready to help.

Most Impressive Public Speaker you have witnessed
Margaret Thatcher in the late 1990’s. Whether you loved or loathed her politics she was a powerful public speaker and knew how to work her audience. It was her use of words, reflection, eye contact and calm confidence. There wasn’t a single person in the room at the IOD that didn’t applaud her.
Claim to fame
Getting President Clinton to sign my NSPCC Charity Ball programme. It was a moment I will cherish. I carefully choregraphed my departure to coincide with his. Bodyguards surrounded him who asked me to step aside as the President was leaving. However, I gained eye contact with him and promptly moved my programme closer. He then obliged by reorganising his security to allow me to get closer to him and holding my hand to ensure there was no mistaking of his intent. Willingly he signed my programme with no fuss and a cheeky smile.
One piece of advice to an aspiring businessperson
Find a business mentor. Somebody you are inspired by, that you trust and feel has greater knowledge than yourself. The power of mentoring is huge and was a defining moment in my career. I thought it was a sign of weakness, when my then chairman suggested I should consider one. Now on reflection it was the best decision I made for my CPD (continuous personal development). Allowing me to vent, to reflect, to lobby, to ask for help in a controlled and me centric way, where you are not being judged but empowered.

Vicky Brook

A wealth of experience in Executive management in a diverse range of sectors including MMC, Human Resources and Talent Search, Banking, Receivables Recovery. Motivated and inspired by the art of finding people with the X factor and aligning them to the right organisation, both helping their careers flourish and ensuring our clients’ talent is fit for purpose.

My job is not only to help find good people but also to ensure those good people find the right business and culture for their careers to be unleashed. Helping organisations build strategies to engage with their talent pool and proactively collaborate with their workforce creating a robust 360 talent model.

As a qualified and experienced HR professional I take a more holistic view to recruitment and believe that the P3CL offering comes at a key time in the Construction Industries continued growth, diversity and demand led competition. An Industry that worked through the largest global pandemic where demand for talent has never been greater, this requires HR and Talent Managers to be more innovative and nimbler on resourcing and retention than ever before.

Graduate programmes are also in my view going to be critical to keep up with the demands in technical and commercial departments where talent is at its greatest premium. Future proofing your talent pool must be our client’s number one priority and we believe we can give them the extra support they need.

Empowering women is also a passion of mine and I am a proud member of Women on Boards UK. Having made my way up through the ranks and achieving early boardroom success, I was fortunate to work for a company that had a vision and knew how to identify talent early, through a graduate management training programme and were not stereotypical in their preference for male succession. So with the right support, mentoring and academic sponsorship and, dare I say, bloody-mindedness to succeed in a man’s world, I managed to breakthrough into the boardroom before I was 30 in an equally male dominated sector of Finance.

P3CL commends the work being done by Women into Construction to attract more women to the sector, and we are proud to be a member, however I see a great need to break down the barriers of entry for senior female managers into the boardroom. We are therefore creating a Women’s Leadership Group whose purpose will be to bring about much needed change. Change not because statistics demand it, but because the women are credible for the roles and only bias is prohibiting entry.

Greatest personal achievement
Overcoming my deep rooted shyness and social awkwardness to become a successful business leader across continents.
Favourite quote about leadership
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams – 6th President of the United States.
If you were a building which would it be and why?
Sydney Opera – It is an iconic and inspiring yet slightly enigmatic building, which combines a complex and innovative concrete structural design with over a million simple tiles to create beauty.

Colin Brook

Colin has a wealth of business experience across a broad spectrum of sectors, from both the UK and Europe, at board level and as investor and working shareholder. He will assist in the Executive Search and Selection and Client engagement where his experience gained over the last 10+ years of the MMC and Construction Industry will prove invaluable.
Top tip to manage exec diaries
Allow some breathing time between meetings as most of the time they will run over. Try to allow time for your executive to gather their thoughts between each meeting. Finally make sure the kettle is always ready.
Who’s the most challenging to manage in the office?
Everyone can be challenging in their own way. You need to manage expectations and deal with everyone as an individual. Remember one approach does not fit all.
Funniest PA moment
There was a time when I was making the Chairman’s breakfast his favourite Tea and Toast. His wife was on the TV at the time and we were watching. I completely forgot that the toaster was on and it set the fire alarm off and the full company had to be evacuated.

Elaine Gatti

Elaine has over 30 years in office operations and as Executive PA. She has assisted HR leaders in recruitment and HR administration and the last 10 years of which she has spent in the MMC sector. She will be the first point of contact for our new and existing clients. Elaine will also be the Membership Coordinator for our Women’s Leadership Group.
Candidate Advice
Just be yourself, it’s really important for you and your prospective new employer that you are the right fit for the business. Having the right skills and experience is great but if you don’t feel aligned to the company’s culture and values and don’t feel you can be yourself it won’t work out. Be honest from the outset and don’t be afraid to back out if it doesn’t feel right.
Why I became HR Manager
I find people fascinating, we are all so different and have our own quirks and complexities. Working in HR you get to know people, their strengths, aspirations, what makes them tick and use this to unlock their potential and create an environment where they can flourish and succeed, this gives me huge job satisfaction and is why I love my job!
Funniest illness excuse
I once had an employee call in sick on a Monday morning because his mum hadn’t washed his work clothes at the weekend for him!

Charlotte Meekin

Charlotte is HR qualified and Mental Health First Aider and has a broad spectrum of experience in manufacturing, MMC, and The Park and Leisure Homes industry. After 15 years in Finance, she found her true passion in People and has been dedicated to HR ever since. Charlotte is responsible for our candidate pre-selection and assessment process, Virtual HR Manager.
What is it like being married to a tradesman
A good marriage isn’t something you find, but something you build! It can definitely be stressful at times being married to a tradesman, but do the good things in life ever come easy? What I can say is I love how much he is passionate and dedicated to his trade! He makes me and his two sons very proud!
Who do you find inspirational?
‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood’ Marie Curie has to be one of the most inspirational historical figures for me, not only is she a woman of many firsts from discovering new science to contributing massively to health as we know it today, but she also opened up a new pathway of possibilities and empowered women. It’s amazing what can happen with an open mind and self-belief.
What drives you?
My family is definitely what drives me the most. I always want to be and give the best version of myself whether it’s to my family or work. The second I became a mum my purpose for everything grew tenfold! That is also what I love about p3cl, women helping other women grow especially in the construction sector is invigorating.

Abi O’Reilly

Abi has many years in the beauty profession where she has cultivated her interpersonal skills and ability to drive excellent customer service. She is a working mum who has eloquently juggled motherhood and a career. She joins the CREW and is looking to push the boundaries of her professional learnings. This role will provide a development opportunity for her to learn a new trade as a recruiter working alongside the professionals.
What inspired your passion for mental health?
It came as a result from suffering a mental breakdown at the age of eight, and wanting to turn a negative experience into a positive one. I was invited to become an ambassador for MQ Mental Health Research charity and this enabled me the platform to share my story. I wanted to turn my negative experience into a positive one, by helping to raise awareness of the importance of protecting your mental health whether it’s in the workplace or home.
My proudest achievement
Public speaking at Coutts Bank with a highly successful and influential audience and visibly connecting with some of the attendees, highlighted that mental health is non-discriminatory and can effect anybody no matter who you are.
Top Tip for a candidate ahead of their first day
Be you! You got the job and have evidenced your suitability for the role, so you have all the skills needed. Being a little anxious or nervous ahead of a first day is perfectly normal, being nervous is in fact a sign of being passionate about what you do, so don’t let it spoil your moment. Remember I am always at the end of the phone to talk things through. Go and shine!

Florence Sharman

Florence is a Mental Health Campaigner and Ambassador for the UK’S largest Mental Health research charity MQ, she’s also a Mental Health First Aider and events co-ordinator. She is responsible for our candidate communication and wellbeing during their job search right the way through to their onboarding with our clients. A friendly and informed voice at the end of the phone or email to answer questions on their application progress, interview briefings, CV submissions etc. etc.

Pippa Shirley

Pippa is our WLG Marketing Associate and previously worked with Vicky Brook over two decades ago. Pippa now works as a virtual assistant working with a select few clients inspired by her desire to balance her professional career with her personal commitments, in particular to support her daughters football career.

Simon Palmer

Simon Palmer is an experienced technology executive, most recently through his tenure at Frasers Group. His contributions spanned various domains including operations, eCommerce, innovation and responsibility for all aspects of Group IT and Data. One of Simon’s notable achievements was spearheading the digital transformation initiative at Frasers Group. He is actively involved in the Reed Women in Technology Mentoring Program, where he shares his extensive knowledge and experience to support and empower women pursuing careers in technology. Through this program, Simon plays a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusion within the tech industry, helping to bridge the gender gap and cultivate a more inclusive workforce

Simon Palmer

Simon Palmer is an experienced technology executive, most recently through his tenure at Frasers Group. His contributions spanned various domains including operations, eCommerce, innovation and responsibility for all aspects of Group IT and Data. One of Simon’s notable achievements was spearheading the digital transformation initiative at Frasers Group. He is actively involved in the Reed Women in Technology Mentoring Program, where he shares his extensive knowledge and experience to support and empower women pursuing careers in technology. Through this program, Simon plays a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusion within the tech industry, helping to bridge the gender gap and cultivate a more inclusive workforce

Pippa Shirley

Pippa is our WLG Marketing Associate and previously worked with Vicky Brook over two decades ago. Pippa now works as a virtual assistant working with a select few clients inspired by her desire to balance her professional career with her personal commitments, in particular to support her daughters football career.
Greatest personal achievement
Overcoming my deep rooted shyness and social awkwardness to become a successful business leader across continents.
Favourite quote about leadership
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams – 6th President of the United States.
If you were a building which would it be and why?
Sydney Opera – It is an iconic and inspiring yet slightly enigmatic building, which combines a complex and innovative concrete structural design with over a million simple tiles to create beauty.

Colin Brook

Colin has a wealth of business experience across a broad spectrum of sectors, from both the UK and Europe, at board level and as investor and working shareholder. He will assist in the Executive Search and Selection and Client engagement where his experience gained over the last 10+ years of the MMC and Construction Industry will prove invaluable.
Top tip to manage exec diaries
Allow some breathing time between meetings as most of the time they will run over. Try to allow time for your executive to gather their thoughts between each meeting. Finally make sure the kettle is always ready.
Who’s the most challenging to manage in the office?
Everyone can be challenging in their own way. You need to manage expectations and deal with everyone as an individual. Remember one approach does not fit all.
Funniest PA moment
There was a time when I was making the Chairman’s breakfast his favourite Tea and Toast. His wife was on the TV at the time and we were watching. I completely forgot that the toaster was on and it set the fire alarm off and the full company had to be evacuated.

Elaine Gatti

Elaine has over 30 years in office operations and as Executive PA. She has assisted HR leaders in recruitment and HR administration and the last 10 years of which she has spent in the MMC sector. She will be the first point of contact for our new and existing clients. Elaine will also be the Membership Coordinator for our Women’s Leadership Group.
Candidate Advice
Just be yourself, it’s really important for you and your prospective new employer that you are the right fit for the business. Having the right skills and experience is great but if you don’t feel aligned to the company’s culture and values and don’t feel you can be yourself it won’t work out. Be honest from the outset and don’t be afraid to back out if it doesn’t feel right.
Why I became HR Manager
I find people fascinating, we are all so different and have our own quirks and complexities. Working in HR you get to know people, their strengths, aspirations, what makes them tick and use this to unlock their potential and create an environment where they can flourish and succeed, this gives me huge job satisfaction and is why I love my job!
Funniest illness excuse
I once had an employee call in sick on a Monday morning because his mum hadn’t washed his work clothes at the weekend for him!

Charlotte Meekin

Charlotte is HR qualified and Mental Health First Aider and has a broad spectrum of experience in manufacturing, MMC, and The Park and Leisure Homes industry. After 15 years in Finance, she found her true passion in People and has been dedicated to HR ever since. Charlotte is responsible for our candidate pre-selection and assessment process, Virtual HR Manager.
What inspired your passion for mental health?
It came as a result from suffering a mental breakdown at the age of eight, and wanting to turn a negative experience into a positive one. I was invited to become an ambassador for MQ Mental Health Research charity and this enabled me the platform to share my story. I wanted to turn my negative experience into a positive one, by helping to raise awareness of the importance of protecting your mental health whether it’s in the workplace or home.
My proudest achievement
Public speaking at Coutts Bank with a highly successful and influential audience and visibly connecting with some of the attendees, highlighted that mental health is non-discriminatory and can effect anybody no matter who you are.
Top Tip for a candidate ahead of their first day
Be you! You got the job and have evidenced your suitability for the role, so you have all the skills needed. Being a little anxious or nervous ahead of a first day is perfectly normal, being nervous is in fact a sign of being passionate about what you do, so don’t let it spoil your moment. Remember I am always at the end of the phone to talk things through. Go and shine!

Florence Sharman

Florence is a Mental Health Campaigner and Ambassador for the UK’S largest Mental Health research charity MQ, she’s also a Mental Health First Aider and events co-ordinator. She is responsible for our candidate communication and wellbeing during their job search right the way through to their onboarding with our clients. A friendly and informed voice at the end of the phone or email to answer questions on their application progress, interview briefings, CV submissions etc. etc.
What is it like being married to a tradesman
A good marriage isn’t something you find, but something you build! It can definitely be stressful at times being married to a tradesman, but do the good things in life ever come easy? What I can say is I love how much he is passionate and dedicated to his trade! He makes me and his two sons very proud!
Who do you find inspirational?
‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood’ Marie Curie has to be one of the most inspirational historical figures for me, not only is she a woman of many firsts from discovering new science to contributing massively to health as we know it today, but she also opened up a new pathway of possibilities and empowered women. It’s amazing what can happen with an open mind and self-belief.
What drives you?
My family is definitely what drives me the most. I always want to be and give the best version of myself whether it’s to my family or work. The second I became a mum my purpose for everything grew tenfold! That is also what I love about p3cl, women helping other women grow especially in the construction sector is invigorating.

Abi O’Reilly

Abi has many years in the beauty profession where she has cultivated her interpersonal skills and ability to drive excellent customer service. She is a working mum who has eloquently juggled motherhood and a career. She joins the CREW and is looking to push the boundaries of her professional learnings. This role will provide a development opportunity for her to learn a new trade as a recruiter working alongside the professionals.
If you were a fictional character, who would you like to be and why?
Belle from Beauty and The Beast. Why? I love that she’s the daughter of an inventor, my dad was constantly inspiring me to run with my ideas, but that’s where I get my creative spirit from – I’m never afraid to try! I created YEAR – our HR and Employment law annual retainer, which has been a huge success. I grew our Employment Law Team and the variety of services we offer, and we keep evolving.

I see a lot of myself in Belle; she makes friends with people and never judges, and she’s open-minded like me, which is a rare trait in most lawyers as they don’t usually think outside of the box. Belle was labelled as an outcast because of who she is, I’m an Asian female in a leadership role, and that’s something many people never believed I could become. Like Belle, I’m ambitious, she achieves all her dreams, and that’s what I’m doing right now! Plus, she adores reading, and I’m the same – if I’ve got my head in a book, you won’t hear a peep from me!

Tina Chander

Tina is driven by her deep-rooted passion for helping people and strong experience in employment law. She is qualified as both a barrister and solicitor and is uniquely placed to work with both employers and employees to assist with the diverse challenges they face. Tina helps employers of all sizes, from small businesses to global enterprises. Her expertise spans the full spectrum of employment law, including dealing with unfair dismissal, discrimination, and whistleblowing Tribunal claims. In addition, Tina has extensive experience advising on the TUPE aspects of corporate transactions and the outsourcing of contracts between companies. To support the lifecycle of a business, Tina works closely with business owners, Directors, and HR teams, empowering them with legal insight. She helps businesses navigate settlement agreements, advises on large scale redundancies and restructures, and she provides support to everyday HR and employment law processes including advising on disciplinary procedures, dismissals, poor performance and grievance processes. Tina also drafts employment contracts, settlement agreements and executive service agreements. She is regularly instructed to negotiate termination payments and to provide HR and Employment law training to Line Managers
Where is your ‘Happy Place’
Gwithian Beach, Cornwall. When the sun is shining and the light dapples across the undulating surf there is no prettier place. When a storm is raging and the waves are crashing against the cliffs with spume flying over the headland, there is no greater place to respect the power and majesty of nature. When I am down on the beach with my family there is no greater peace.
Why am I unique
Aged both 22 and 50 I survived brain surgery – requiring urgent invasive surgery both times. The surgeon for the second one stated that the odds of developing this condition in any persons lifetime is about 750,000 – 1. I am the only persons on record to survive twice at a combined odds of 562.5 billion to 1, and there are only 8 billion of us on the planet.

Wayne Pearce

Wayne founded Eaglet in 1997 and is its Company Director and ISO specialist. Wayne is an IRQA registered ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22301, ISO27001 & ISO45001 Lead Auditor. He is transition certified to the latest versions of the standards as well as Annex SL (technical structure of ISO structures). Wayne is also a SSIP Assessor, NLP Practitioner and Practitioner of the Chartered Quality Institute.

Our Crew members receive:

Personal care allowances each month as we know the importance of unwinding and allowing the mind and body to recharge.

We offer Westfield Health Care plans to all our Crew regardless of the number of hours they work.

  • Flexi and Hybrid working
  • Length of Service awards
  • Annual Bonus and share options for Founding Crew Members
  • Quarterly away days and team building events
  • Pension


Register Interest


Your feedback matters and we encourage you to have a say and play your part in keeping us best in class. So if you can spare us 2 minutes of your valuable time, and share your experience we would be very grateful.


How you can sponsor our Women’s Leaderships Initiatives.

There are corporate sponsorship opportunities for companies to embrace our mission to change the bias by showing their support for our cause.

You can sponsor a meeting room, a lunch, offer up a venue, sponsor training materials, and or sponsor a guest speaker. If you can’t manage any of these options then there is also the chance to throw in some branded merchandise for our goodie bags for new members.

Membership fees are limited to cover the cost of the administration and so this corporate sponsorship will enable us to keep the fees as low as possible.

Maybe your organisation has an interest in the groups initiative but doesn’t have a suitable female leader to put forward to join the group or you simply want your organisation to be associated with a successful drive to changing the bias, whichever it is, do make sure your organisation is part of the change.


Interested in joining our Crew? Send your CV and covering note explaining why you would like to join us and what you can offer the business. We welcome applications from motivated, recruitment and HR talent.