About P3CL’s Women’s Leadership Group

We are committed to empowering, motivating, and supporting female construction talent to reach their full potential. We will actively open career pathways and support our members in breaking down barriers for their management development and career progression.

This membership is designed for women in, or aspiring to, management positions. 

The mentorship programme is tailored to the individual needs of each member. We will work with you to address the sorts of issues women commonly face including:

  • Lacking confidence in their management abilities
  • Setting very high standards of their own performance
  • Use of language and terminology in a business meeting setting
  • A reluctance to put themselves forward for management positions
  • Attributing success to ‘the team’ rather than themselves
  • Being appropriately assertive
  • Establishing authority with reluctant subordinates
  • Worrying about losing their identity in order to succeed

We also know, from our experience and research, that certain management styles tend to suit some women better than others. So we will cover some of those during their mentorship journey, including:

  • A coaching approach to management
  • Transformational and transactional leadership
  • Influencing rather than ordering
  • Learning the art of networking within your organisation
  • Managing female health challenges and the impact on self-confidence
  • Juggling the challenges of running a home and being a mum, step mum, carer, granny as well as having a career and ambition

What Mentorship membership will include: 

Each member can expect:

  • 4 virtual one-to-one mentoring sessions per year from a P3CL WLG partner
  • 1 career health check with an HR expert
  • Attendance at the annual WLG summit (September 2024)
  • Regional Networking events twice yearly (guest speakers and refreshments)
  • Independent networking with other group members
  • Online use of our WLG Mentorship Membership Logo/Badge
  • Early access to WLG articles and inspirational podcast
  • WLG member goody bag (Eco travel cup, exec notebook, WLG jelly beans, WLG coffee and cake voucher, WLG stress ball and pen)
  • 10% Discount WLG approved training and qualifications with our education partners.

Cost & Funding options

Cost £425.00 p.a

  • Personal: quarterly or annual by DD
  • Company funded: annual by DD * 10% discount for corporate members of 10 +