About P3CL’s Women’s Leadership Group

The Women’s Leadership Group consists of female leadership talent, whom all share the desire and commitment to change the bias on women achieving main board positions in a male-dominated construction sector.

We challenge the executives and boardrooms across the sector and encourage them to take an active role in our mission of change by inviting them to identify the barriers to entry through a working group approach.

Vicky Brook

Chair of the Women’s Leadership Group, Founder & Business Lead at P3CL, Chartered Fellow FCIPD

A Chartered Fellow CIPD, Vicky Brook has a wealth of experience in executive management across a diverse range of sectors including MMC, HR, Banking, and Receivables Recovery. She has first-hand experience working in other male-dominated industry sectors and has the benefit of operating at CEO level, leading a European board for a US-based business, something she achieved whilst bringing up 2 daughters.

She broke through into the boardroom before she turned 30, and Vicky’s passion and focus is now on enabling talented women to reach their full potential within the C-suite, having spent the last 5+ years as a non-exec for a leading MMC provider.

The Six Goals of the Women’s Leadership Group

  1. To actively lobby organisations and government for women onto boards in the construction sector
  2. Better understand the barriers and build a coherent plan to tackle them
  3. Actively support and mentor potential C-Suite members
  4. Create training material and partner with a recognised-accredited organisation to create qualifications for our aspirational C-suite women members
  5. Create a platform to share inspirational stories / articles / videos / and podcasts and become the natural source for reference and data
  6. Launch the WLG mentorship membership for middle-management level

How the Women’s Leadership Group works 

At the WLG meeting quarterly, we invite guest speakers to talk at our meetings, carefully selected by our Chair Vicky Brook, featuring inspirational and thought-provoking material and opportunity for debate and Q&A.

We facilitate discussions in a safe and confidential environment, enabling all our WLG members the opportunity to share real-life business, women-centric issues, for the group to debate and help resolve.

As well as the serious business goals, there are opportunities for all our group members to have valuable networking and reflection time in carefully selected inspirational settings.

To apply, or for corporate sponsorship discussions, email Vicky at vicky.brook@p3cl.co.uk

You can sponsor a meeting room, a lunch, offer up a venue, sponsor training materials, and or sponsor a guest speaker. If you can’t manage any of these options then there is also the chance to throw in some branded merchandise for our goodie bags for new members.

Membership fees are limited to cover the cost of the administration and so this corporate sponsorship will enable us to keep the fees as low as possible. Maybe your organisation has an interest in the groups initiative but doesn’t have a suitable female leader to put forward to join the group or you simply want your organisation to be associated with a successful drive to changing the bias, whichever it is, do make sure your organisation is part of the change.

WLG Quarterly Meeting Highlights